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 A Day In the Life

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive more youer than you  - Dr Seus
Start the day with a healthy breakfast 
Breakfast ends at 8:30
6:00-8:30 Drop off and Breakfast
8:30-9:30 Free Play 
9:30- 10:15 Lets learn 
10:15 -10:45 Snack time
10:45- 11:45 Arts & Crafts or Outside time
11:45-12:45 Bathroom break and Lunch
12:45 -1:10 Story time or Puppet show
1:10-3:10 Nap time or rest time
3:10 -3:45 bathroom break & Snack
3:45 -4:45 Structured play or outside, games etc
4:45- 6:00 Free play and 10 second tidy
The last day of your child's week will be reward day. We have a pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow where your little one can choose a well earned reward for earning stickers throughout the week for exceptional behavior.
Other options for daily routine will be:
Dance parties
Exercise Fun
Wii win days once weekly as a reward during free play time
Rainy day movies
I live close to numerous parks and across the street from a huge field
I am always researching creative ways to shake up a day and make it better
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